When we view the vast expanse of the universe through the lens of our limited five senses, we are unable to fully experience its inherent beauty. However, Pat Lee has developed and refined a technique known as "automatic drawing" through a lengthy process of inner alignment and practice. This technique allows him to connect with the universe and communicate its essence to his hand. As a result, he is able to create illustrations automatically through the alignment of frequency and vibration. RESONANCE “Art of Vibrations” is Pat’s personal work through years of dedicated practice.
當我們透過我們有限的五感來觀察宇宙的浩瀚時,我們無法完全體驗其固有的美感。然而,Pat Lee通過漫長的內在調和和實踐過程,開發和完善了一種被稱為「自動繪畫」的技術。這種技術使他能夠與宇宙連結,將其本質傳達給他的手。因此,他能夠通過頻率和振動的調和自動地創作插圖。RESONANCE “Art of Vibrations” 是Pat多年來專注實踐的個人作品。
The exhibition of RESONANCE “Art of Vibrations” was held on 11.11.23 at the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel in Hong Kong which will have its public viewing there starting from 12.11.23 up until January of 2024. We want to give a big thanks to all 240 guests who attended the VIP event. Your vibrant energy and attendance was greatly appreciated by our entire team.

Many of the original artwork by Pat Lee for RESONANCE are currently or will be exhibiting in various locations. To find our more about each art piece, click the image and the title will appear - tap a second time and the full description of the art piece will appear. Have a wonderful time viewing the Gallery section of the website.

Discover the allure of our exquisite limited edition prints, where artistry and refinement converge. Each meticulously crafted print, adorned by the renowned artist Pat Lee, undergoes a captivating transformation using sparkling fluid acrylic lines, imbuing it with a unique and enchanting charm of automatic-drawing.
With a strict limit of just 30 prints per image, these artworks exude exclusivity and collectability. Accompanied by a personally signed certificate of authenticity, they hold a testament to their provenance and artistic significance.
For inquiries, connect with us on Instagram or email us at resonanceartistry@gmail.com. Immerse yourself in the enchantment of our limited edition prints, each one a truly exceptional piece of artistry.
Available prints are Yeshua, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael and Lisa del Giocondo.

Creative Director/Artist
Over a period of twenty 28 years, Pat Lee has established himself as a top comic artist and Creative Director in North America. Pat did stints with DC and Marvel comics working on such mega-franchises as BATMAN, SUPERMAN, IRON MAN, X-MEN/ FANTASTIC FOUR, WOLVERINE, PUNISHER, and SPIDERMAN. He created the original North American series of TRANSFORMERS comics, which ranked #1 top selling comic book six months in a row. He also worked on SUPERMAN the movie for Warner & designed an IRONMAN for Marvel. Pat has made it to the #1 spot on the top ten hottest artists list in Wizard Magazine and has worked with giant North American toy companies such as Hasbro, Mattel & Spin Master Pro. for the last ten years, Pat has dedicated a tremendous amount of time learning a new skill called "automatic drawing". This process allows him to connect to frequencies and energies of the Universe which allows his hand to move automatically through frequency and focus. Pat is dedicated to express through his art that there is a powerful energy of love that exists in the Universe that creates all things. He is primarily excited to express his new artistic journey through RESONANCE "Art of Vibrations".
Pat Lee是一位享譽北美地區的頂尖漫畫藝術家和創意總監,他在過去的二十八年中建立了傑出的職業生涯。Pat Lee的父母早年由香港移居加拿大,他在蒙特利爾出生和成長。他的職業生涯始於19歲時加入Extreme Studios - Image Comics,參與了熱門漫畫作品《Blood Pool》和《Prophet》等。隨後,他加入了著名漫畫藝術家Jim Lee創辦的Wildstorm Productions,並參與了《WETWORKS》和《WILDCATS》等作品。此後,Pat在DC和Marvel漫畫公司工作,為《蝙蝠俠》、《超人》、《鐵甲奇俠》、《X戰警/神奇4俠》、《狼人》、《制裁者》和《蜘蛛俠》等超級系列作品做出了重要貢獻。他還為華納兄弟公司的電影《超人》設計了角色鐵甲奇俠。
Pat Lee 與傳奇作家/製片人Mark Verheiden《太空堡壘卡拉狄加》、Jeph Loeb《超人前傳》和Reginald Hudlin《黑殺令》合作等重要人物合作,進一步提升了他的知名度和職業地位。他還為其他重要作品提供開創性的創意視野,其中包括《忍者龜》和電子遊戲《惡魔獵人》。Pat 創作了最初的北美系列《變形金剛》漫畫,並連續六個月位列暢銷漫畫書榜首。除此之外,他還創作了其他成功的原創作品,如《DARKMINDS》、《WARLANDS》、《GARDEN OF BLADES》、《NECROWAR》、《SANDSCAPE》和《BANISHED KNIGHTS》等。同時,他還為小說、漫畫書、平裝書和雜誌製作了數百個封面。
Pat Lee與北美地區眾多創意藝術家合作,並參與了與Greg Mike、Hello Kitty設計師山口由子以及日本時尚達人藤原浩的合作項目。他還為導演 Brian Singer的電影《超人》創作了概念設計和故事板。他自己創作的許多作品也得到了好萊塢製片廠的授權,包括20世紀福斯和迪士尼。
Pat Lee因將日本動漫風格引入北美漫畫市場而在國際上聞名,並在《Wizard Magazine》的十大最熱門藝術家榜單上榮登榜首。他曾與玩具公司Hasbro、Mattel和Spin Master Pro合作開發品牌,並與Soap Studios、Toy Qube以及他自己的品牌INTERFERENCE共同合作Looney Tunes玩具。此外,他還與Nike、Apple、BANDAI、TAKARA、DIESEL、騰訊、HMV、Sony、ESPRIT、Reebok、Unilever、Shiseido和MGM Casino等知名品牌和機構合作。